Monday, December 10, 2007

Great empires

Historically many great empires have been built, only to come crumbling down in a very short period of time. Let’s consider Napoleon's French Empire, The Ottoman Empire, The Roman Empire, Babylon, Assyria, Persia, etc. Many of these civilizations were large and powerful before their inevitable fall. Unfortunately it is one of history’s great lessons for us that what goes up must come down. You can quote me on that as “Doxey’s gravitational law of societies” Few can survive the challenges of time. The Stone Masons, who claim their existence since ancient Rome may be among the oldest societies still standing. Although still existent even they have been changed by time. Once a group so powerful and skilled that their services were sought for by King Solomon; now revered as little more than a conspiracy theory and gentleman's club. While my intent in writing this evening is not to humiliate, degrade, or insult by any means any group of people it is to point out that even the strong are not invincible versus the falling apart of what has grown. Alexander the great. While conquering the world was within his grasp, even he did not accomplish the goal he had originally set out for. The causes of such downfalls is highly debatable, and truly insignificant for the matter at hand.

There was, not so long ago, a group so headstrong and set on power, so dangerously prone to success, so innovatively brought together that it was thought to sweep the world. In a short time it had become very popular among those who associated with the members of such a grand group. Things were looking up, but then, as it always does, failure reared it’s ugly head. The downfall of this society was not militaristic power. It was not brought on by warring ideologies. In no way was it caused by social stimuli, but rather human nature. Where once there was a sleeping giant, a beast ready to tear into the world and make it’s presence known; now there remain but two. The tragic fall of this band was unfortunately all too familiar in the music world, although the group in and of itself has little to do with music. There were no deaths caused by a single person being drowned in their own vomit, no struggles for power, but women. They who are able to dissolve all friendships and allegiances. There remain but 2 in the faithful cause. The rest effected by the desire to be betrothed in holy matrimony… The pieces will be picked up. The puzzle will be put together. There remains but one true shot at glory, and that glory is out of grasp until February. New members will be reared to take place of old faces, now disloyal. New culture will be defined more fitting to the goals of the organization, and never again will one so weak be allowed to be so fully en grained in the goal. The cryptic message will not be clarified, for those who read it is clear. Those who wish to delve will see the results or lack thereof in short time and this will be a thing of naught or a revolutionary piece much like the manipulative literature used by revolutionaries to achieve their cause.

Hope is still alive.

And it will come.

Step into my lair and see the minds at work.


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