Monday, December 3, 2007

Gamebox 1.0

I found myself in front of a very large new release shelf at blockbuster, as a child in a candy store, confused by the sensory overload and limitless amount of choices. A small, strange looking box caught my eye, so I bent to pick it up. Gamebox 1.0

As a self-proclaimed gamer (who sucks) I decided it was my moral obligation to rent it and watch it. What followed was one of the most unique experiences of my life. To make a long story short, if you like great cinematography, in depth plots, excellent acting, and stunning character development; don't bother even looking at the thing. Seriously I was only entertained at how lame it was, even as a geek. I would recommend everyone see it so as to get many inside jokes and corny lines circulating in our culture, however, that is about 90 minutes of your life that you will never get back. If you really would like to subject yourself to such torture at least head over to imdb first. IMDB-Gamebox 1.0

The only semi-redeemable thing, the hot girl from Boy Meets World.
