Saturday, November 17, 2007

The blue pill or the red pill?

Do you ever feel like you are blogging into a vacuum? You know you post blog after blog but no one reads or comments ever? I sure do. And it truly is pathetic to post osmehting like this on a blog, but Idon't care, I dare to be different. I kind of feel like I am wasting my time, and I probably am. Anyways, I will continue to blog until the end of my willing blog days, and until I have no time, desire, or finger strength to do so. I hope that one day many people read this post and think, wow, that was back in the old school days of the novat0 blog. Anyways, I have no crazy hyperlink for you all today, just a simple web page about the PC game I am currently playing through, and in absence of an official page I have some third party web page for it. Check it out and maybe I'll let you buy it from me used. enjoy.



Friday, November 16, 2007

It's bedtime and by bed I mean ethnic and by time I mean cleansing

For one of the first times in my life I have received information and I am not sure how I feel about it. A certain channel that claims to be for gamers and techies aired a special yesterday about Ninja warrior, or Sasuke as they call it in Japanese. A game show that tests people and their ninja skills, and before you ask, No. Napoleon Dynamite has not ever entered the competition. I really was not sure whether I should revel in the glory of people thinking they are ninjas and going through ninja tests or shrink in fear that those we know as “Yu-Gi-Oh kids” are becoming widely accepted. I was able to determine on simple feeling about how I stood on the issue. Gamer’s need a channel, and you can mix that with a techie’s channel. You cannot, however, mix that with a “Yu-Gi-Oh kid’s” channel. I would like for us one day, as gamers, to have our own channel with constant new programming. But I will save us all the MLK like speech in which I pronounce several times, "I have a dream" K I'm out.

Make your own judgement:


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The good, The bad, and The ugly

The good

Have you ever entered a fast food restaurant, ordered, and then left with the wrong order? Not many things can be more frustrating. This happened to me last night on my break from work, only it was beautiful. I had ordered a junior bacon cheeseburger, JUNIOR bacon cheeseburger. I'm trying to watch my figure. As I walked away from that blessed building, I opened the bag to find that next to my small fry there was none other than... No, not a single, but DOUBLE cheeseburger. Truly it was amazing.

The bad

Not everyone is as lucky as I am, I suppose. For my good fortune meant bad fortune for someone who had ordered a double cheeseburger, and received a junior bacon cheeseburger. This poor individual would have driven away, opened up their bag to find a burger less than half the size of what they had paid for and wanted. I would not be too happy about it, and on the right day it may just be enough to trigger a nervous breakdown. Thanks a lot Wendy's employees, you caused someone a nervous breakdown because you got their order wrong. I certainly hope he didn't harm himself, that would be a terrible thing to have on your conscience, ay?

The Ugly

Kid plays life on legendary
I love video games. If I could I would marry them. Probably not any game specifically, I would just marry them collectively or be a bigamist. I would then move to southern Utah with the other wackos. Well, although I do love video games (more than platonically), I do not condone the action taken by a small child Indian River County, Florida. After being told to turn off his Xbox 360 and stop playing Halo 3 online, he refused. Fair enough, many have done so; the ugly is what happened when she yanked his Wi-fi card and thus disabling his online play. He hit her. He went nuts and hit her. She called the cops. He hit them too. Then they took him to juvy. I guess he thought he was master chief and was going to be able to beat them all down, but it looks like he got pwned by his own mother. So kids, don't get domestically violent and when your mom tells you to turn it off, ignore her. When she pulls the wi-fi card, give up.
Check this out:
Original Wolfenstein with link to download
