Friday, November 2, 2007

Instant dismissal

Ok, I thought that any relationship advice starting with, "In my third marriage" was qualified for instant dismissal... Seemingly I was wrong. Check this out: Marriage counselor with no qualifications

I don't think I need to even comment on that. Apparently the best marriage school is living in a cottage with your cat. Give me a break. I'm not going to waste too much time with this, I don't think it deserves it. I would rather be blogging about a citrus flavored beverage or a new video game. I'd rather occupy my time and my mind with some food with a high cholesterol content or lots of beef, but instead I have to blog about how marriage advice that stars with "after my second divorce" is to be immediately disregarded. Ok, enough of that, BRING BACK THE ARCH DELUXE!!!

Visit these links

Composition of the Arch Deluxe

McDonalds Deluxe Sandwich line


Thursday, November 1, 2007

Ode to citrus


Ok, I totally could have just left it at that. I picked up this drink in an attempt to reminisce the good 'ole days of Mello Yello. I was blown a freakin' way. Maybe it's just me, but Dew doesn't have a whole lot of bite. Vault does have a sharp-tooth that would scare even little foot and all his gang. I am very pleased, so I went to Wikipedia, the source of ALL knowledge in the universe (I live by the phrase: if it's on wikipedia, it's true) and found the following, quoted, information.

Coca-Cola representatives and the American Beverage Association state that Vault contains 47 mg of caffeine per 8 fl oz serving, thus 70.5 mg per 12 fl oz can, and 117.5 mg per 20 fl oz PET bottle. This amount is substantially higher than Surge's 52.5 mg per 12 fl oz or Mountain Dew's 55 mg per 12 fl oz.

Yes folks, MORE caffeine than Dew, and more than surge. I think I have fallen in love. I have a mistress, and her name is vault. I, fawk_novat0, do solemnly swear to let vault be another one week trend in my life, and to drink lots of it in a short period of time before once again returning to my state of beverage before ever having known this marvelous beverage. I'd sign it with blood, but alas, I cannot, thus I will sign it in E-blood. fawk_novat0

So, in honor to the discovery of this new concoction, check out the SAVE SURGE website.

Signing off

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

And because I am dead I can take off my head

... To recite Shakespearean quotation.

Heroic or Legendary, that is the question
Whether 'tis nobler in the Legendary to suffer
The plasma bullets of the elites and grunts
Or to take arms against a sea of hunters,
and by opposing end them? To die: to re spawn;
No more; and by re spawn to say we end
The humiliation of having no ammo
To put in the battle rifle 'tis an issue
Devoutly to be avoided. To die, to sleep.

I was confronted with this life changing decision as I booted up my X-box for the first time in over two years. Heroic or legendary? We all long to be held as a legend in the eyes of others, but we many times must settle for heroism in our own sphere. Think deeply into that, not philosophically or anything, but seriously think that as much as we cannot beat Halo on legendary, we can in no manner be legends, but heroes. Hero? Why a hero? Because we dare to humble ourselves and recognize that we may not be the best player in the US, and our X-box live handle may not be nationally recognized. Maybe we don't have the skills and talent we long for, and maybe on a daily basis we a re pwned. A NOOB HAS RIGHTS TOO! Think back to your first moment of video game glory. I have many, but think of the humiliation you passed before accomplishing the task. Is there one among us who can truly say that he has never run out of continues, or on the screen where Mario (now an angel) stands next to his brother Luigi we have not borrowed or jacked a life? Who can honestly say that int heir games of baseball 2020 they have not reached over to hit a button on his friend's controller to make his robot jump and completely miss the ball? Who of us has not, at the beginning of an NFL blitz game jammed buttons like crazy trying to unlock something that wasn't "tournament mode" or "big heads?" I stand firmly today against all those who feel that they can use their legendary status to be uplifted above those who are not as schooled in the beautiful ways of the video game arts.

One who shall remain unnamed of our order is probably the biggest video game fan on Mutton Hollow road. No one can speak up a storm of video game jargon quite like he can. No one can intricately explain relationships between games, characters, their creators, and their marketing quite like he can. No one can get as excited about a new Nintendo product like he can. And seriously, how many of you have bought the E3 wrap up DVD consecutive years and watched it through? Yet, aside from that no one can suck quite like he can. No one can piss you off being on your team if there is a ghost on the map quite like he can. Don't get me wrong. I have a deep love for the one we all know by his first name that is not really at all his first name. No one can make me laugh quite like he can. How many others would do the things he does? No one. We must, however, keep in check here that he is quite possibly the worst gamer of the Fat Angry White Kids, well, with the exception of Haacke. Ok, I needed someone to dump on, didn't I? Anyways, as I now begin my long campaign controlling the one we know and love as "master chief" to once again defeat unconquerable odds and unrealistic expectations in route to saving the world I will do so on heroic. Why? Because I freaking can. And I freaking can't on legendary.


PS- Everyone check out Coast to Coast AM on Wednesday night for the Ghost to Ghost special program with Art Bell.

Monday, October 29, 2007

....And we're back

2 soft chicken tacos, a rodeo burger, 6 cheesy tots, a chicken sandwich, 2 cans of soda, and a tube of chocolate chip cookie dough.

No, this is not a strange 12 days of Christmas variant. This is my total consumption on Friday night. It has taken a while to get fully back to the swing of things, but it has arrived. The Fat Angry White Kids© are back and stronger than ever. (except in halo playing) While we lament the loss of our dearest third part of the holy FAWK counsel, we realize that haste must be made in preparation for the coming of HIM. Yes, Milton shall return in glory and every tongue shall confess that his fat holiness is the great beaver master. We have decided to help everyone gear up for the return of his Miltonness by manufacturing the I love the milton bumperstucker, which can be found for 3.99 (that includes domestic shipping) at A link will be at the end of the article. Now all of you who have ever wanted to revel in your fathood, prepare for the time is close at hand when we shall fight against the evil forces of skinnyness and the mass mentality of the "diet." Soldiers, get your gear. We soon fight a war, a war of ideas and concepts. They are many, but we are gluttons. Buy the bumper sticker to show your support for our gathering, and be still in anxious standby. We shall conquer

Milton bumper sticker


A fat kid pondering...

Enough said. I guess I am out of the habit of this whole blog thing, but it's time to get back in. Seriously, if I don't blog who not even the internet will listen to my complaints and thoughts, and the internet listens to everyone. So my background information: I am fat. I am a nerd. I am every bit as unimportant as all of you, and that is why this blog will be great. So here we go, kicking it off. If you hate the blog or love it subscribe to it so that you cant ell all of your friends how great or lame it is. Feel free to openly insult me in the comments, I'll either one up you or ignore you because I can't figure out how.
