Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Bad taste

I am a big fan of video games. An even bigger fan of video games with controversial content. I still have my limits however, and someone has gone too far. Game maker Danny Ledonne created a game whose content is as offensive as it's name : "Super Columbine Massacre RPG!" I will not waste much time on this so as not to glorify his attempts to become famous and circulate his name around. Short summary: It was a download able game, in the which you are a high school shooter and you kill people. You play as Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold and then re-create on your own scale the tragic school shooting. There is now a similar game about the Virginia Tech shooting called V-tech rampage.

Please people, get away from this and go back to the innocent calculator games where you are a pimp or drug dealer that high schoolers play in class. Make something to mock our nation's politicians or laws, make a game about Johnny Cochran in court called "I know this guy's guilty but I'll pretend that I don't" Make something so controversial that the media raves about it for weeks, but please... Make something tasteful.


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