Thursday, March 12, 2009


The KSL comment boards here in Utah serve many purposes. Some use them to launch their comedy writing career, some try to offer arguments for or against a certain issue (until here we're good), and some choose to use it as a forum to complain about Mormons in Utah.

To all of those who use the KSL boards to gripe about Mormons, I'll let you in on a little secret... You live in the wrong state. Utah was founded by... You guessed it... Mormons. Incidentally, most of them stayed and had children. If you don't like Mormons, or have a beef with the church itself, maybe you should seek residence elsewhere. I can name 49 states that have less members of the LDS church than Utah, so you will have a plethora of options.

So please, stuckinutahmiserablebecauseihatemormons, log off KSL, pack up your computer and find a new place to live where you can dedicate your time to a job, hobby, or maybe even a family and feel obligated to complain about the predominant religion in the area.

1 comment:

INCoasters said...

I totally agree. Idiots that move here and complain about Mormons are idiotic.