I am going to make one very ridiculous and abusive comparison to start things off. There are two men, political leaders to be more precise, who have managed to completely brainwash enough of their followers past the point of logic to accomplish their goals: Adolf Hitler and Barack Hussein Obama.
Yep, I said it. The large majority of Obama supporters who have come out of the woodwork follow blindly and without question much as the supporters of the National Socialist German Worker's Party. The promises made and plans laid out by President-elect Obama fall just barely short of creating a National Socialist American Idiot Party.
I suppose you could call me old fashioned, I believe in what the founding fathers believed in. At the founding of the nation if you did not work, you starved. I believe in the constitution, and the constitutional process. I believe in fairness and equality; of opportunity, not of results.
I am sick of hearing that the economy is Bush's fault. Let me educate those of you who have said this. Our national government is built with a system of checks and balances, giving each branch of government only a portion of the power. The executive branch was purposefully created as the inferior, and given the least amount of influence in lawmaking. Any legal decisions as to the economy or tax code is made by the legislative branch, which I would remind you has been controlled by the Democrats in these last two years, which not coincidentally have been the steepest part of the plunge.
Do not misinterpret that to mean that I blame all economic problems on Democrats, that would be ignorant. The increased gas prices have nothing to do with any politician, they are a direct result of Hurricane Katrina and the refineries that were put out of commission. The housing crisis has nothing to do with Bush, it is the responsibility of those who passed legislation encouraging lending to those who could not pay it back simply to avoid being "discriminatory." The loss of jobs in the United States IS, however, definitely traceable to our legislators and the increased tax burdens on large corporations that make it increasingly lucrative to operate offshore.
There has been much complaining about the "unfair" tax burdens and claims that the highest income bracket should pay more money in taxes. Once again, the large majority of US citizens have no idea what is going on tax wise, and as a parrot mimic that which they hear come from one they trust from his extensive political career as a community organizer. Even after the bush tax cuts, the highest income bracket was paying 8 percent more than any other bracket, and 18 percent more than most of the families considered to be "Middle class." To say that they have got it easy is a lie. Their cut was only 3 percent total of what they normally paid, leaving them still to pay double the percentage of a working-class family. It is the highest income bracket that shoulders the large majority of the government's income from taxes.
Health care has emerged as a large issue also, with Obama rallying support for a national [socialist] health care system. Senator Obama is so generous with taxpayer money that he will force all insurance agencies to accept all persons regardless of pre-existing conditions. With all due respect, if it is that important to him, why does he not take a portion of his 4.2 million dollar income from last year to start an insurance agency that does what he proposes? Simple, he knows that it will not be profitable, so he is going to roll it out nationally so that you and I can pay the bill on every one's health care. What a generous fellow.
To conclude, I would like to address the comments made by countless numbers of US citizens that we should rally behind Obama and support him. I find it quite funny that now that Obama is going to be at the helm it is time to come together. It wasn't time to come together when we went into Iraq, it wasn't time to come together when the surge in troops was proposed, and it wasn't time to come together to reform social security. Only now, that the democratic party is in charge, is it time to come together. Only now, that one of the least experienced politicians in history is leading the policy decisions, is it time to put aside our differences; and it is only now, that a man who served as senator for 35 years who did not know that the Vice President of the United States had the constitutional mandate to preside over the Senate at all times (rather than just in time of a tie vote) has been elected vice president, that it is time to be united.
Barack Obama has the same opportunity that I give any politician to disappoint me. It is my belief, based on the information he has provided in his blueprint for change, and his lack of substance in a presidential campaign that he will be quick to deliver in the realm of political shortcoming.
I plead to those of you on both sides of the political arena who talk without knowing any facts or even what those you claim to support say, to please shut up. It would be especially wise of you not to try to argue with someone without knowing any facts, opting instead to spew back illogical political rhetoric.
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