Thursday, March 13, 2008

Back from a long recess

It seems that I frequently become motivated and just as quickly unmotivated to continue blogging. I feel that mostly it is because I lack a cause, something that I am passionate about to really get me going. It could be my ignorance of several pressing issues on which I would like to comment. Whatever the reason, it happens. I believe that I will forever continue to post a small entry and then let time pass me by before entering another, a thing I am willing to do, yet somewhat ashamed of.

There are a few things that have caught my interest lately which I will attempt to address in this short entry of a weblog never read.

1-Flatbread Sammys from Quiznos
Lame. The black angus sammy truly was tasty. I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for an extremely tasty sandwich the size of a snickers bar. Granted, the advertising campaign is 2 bucks and under 200 calories I was expecting more from a Quiznos sub. Alas, there is proof that you pay for what you get.

2-Blueberry Pomegranate (Jones)
Great drink. The blueberry is a little overpowering, but who's to say that is a bad thing? Certainly not I. Nothing better than a Jones blueberry pomegranate while fending off the heartless.

3-(lack of) Dave Matthews Magical Brownies ice cream
I'm not sure if I am pissed off at Ben and Jerry or wal-mart. I do know, however, that I am upset with whoever made the call to stop carrying/distributing this lovely wonder of a product to my local supercenter. Now I have to go to target to buy it... That is a whole like 5 minute drive. This is tyranny I tell you, tyranny.

4-Stupid people who blog and then ask other people to read it.
Nuff said. Thanks for heeding my advice and wasting these short moments of your life reading this. Hopefully one day I will have something interesting to say.


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