Monday, June 30, 2008

I will not soon forget the events of this Saturday’s warped tour. The two blisters on my nose that somehow manage to be in my peripheral vision at all times will not allow me to forget the great music that I heard. With each periodic oozing of puss I am reminded of the similar wetness which saturated my hair and clothing. Anyways, this blog entry is less about me being able to squeeze moisture out of my shirt like a sponge, and more about the great music that I was exposed to. Of course there were bands there who I was familiar with, and sadly I will not be plugging them today, but the new bands—or at least new to me—get a plug on the blog that is widely circulated in 3 cities with a total of 3 readers. Check out their websites and music.

Midnight to twelve

Anberlin -

1997 -

Relient K -

Defy tomorrow -

Tickle me pink -

And 1 that I was intrigued by but did not check out

Dose of adolescence -



1 comment:

The Petersen's said...

Sounds like you had a Blast! Gross Puss though bud!